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EDC Drilling Fluids


EDC Drilling Fluids EDC 95-11, EDC 99-DW, EDC 170 SE, and EDC 200 SE

Products in the EDC Drilling Fluids line are manufactured and marketed by The Special Fluids Division of TotalEnergies. Their ultra-low aromatic content is significantly less than that of other available products. EDC stands for Environmental Drilling Compound. These fluids are used to formulate drilling muds used to lubricate and cool the drill bit, bring cuttings back to the surface and stabilize well walls during drilling operations.

The TotalEnergies Ecosolutions advantage

Our EDC drilling fluids were compared to other available reference products intended for the same use, mainly diesel cuts and clean oil drilling fluids. Clean oils have lower aromatic content and toxicity markers than diesel cuts but are still higher than EDC products. The comparison showed that the ultra-low aromatic content and the low level of toxicity markers of EDC drilling fluids significantly reduce ecosystem and health impacts. * Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylene, BTEX and BaP eq.

The Environmental Performance

Ecotoxicological risks reduced by:

  • 18,000 compared to diesel cuts
  • 100 compared to clean oils.

Toxicity markers concentration decrease by:

  • 46,000 compared to diesel cuts
  • 54 compared to clean oils

Ecotoxicological and toxicological assessments were performed, for the first one comparing the environmental impacts related both to aromatic content and the type of aromatic compound found and for the latter by evaluating the level of toxicity markers measured in the three types of products: EDC, diesel cuts and clean oils.

Picto Check VA External Verification

Indepedendent auditor EY has verified that this product was labeled according to the method described in the TotalEnergies Ecosolutions Guidelines and that the guidelines comply with the principles set out in the ISO 14020 and 14021 standards which govern environmental claims and particularly their accuracy.

Additional information

  • Label Award date: June 2013
  • Label Renewal date: June 2021 Guidelines Version 7
  • Label Term: December 2025
  • Geographical Scope: World, except the Gulf of Mexico